Some little tips for Pain!!!

I have never noticed as much tension in people’s bodies as I do now. That is normal! Your body protected you ! Exhale ! It may even be hard to get a breath in. There is a short video with some tips. Our body needs oxygen to release the tension. So instead of trying harder hug yourself like a mother would hug you or carve out five minutes to even thank yourself for being here right now. You matter. Simply because you exist. How is your breath ? The quality?your breath loves you and is speaking to you. It’s more important than anything ! We cannot live without it. It’s the ease and it’s the heart space. Please write comments . It’s so interesting to hear and learn from one another and belong. A place to remember to breathe. If you need playlists or anything . This is our safe space. I am grateful for your presence.

Lisa Springer

I am a nurse who has practiced yoga for 20 years. Health became alive and yoga was the path I used to reclaim healing and guidance in my body

What I learned about breathwork the hard way. …


Space for you to be you. Welcome. Feel free to add comments or we can create a space on fb or whatever works. This space is for transformation and less suffering in our lives. Does that sound good?