Lisa Springer Lisa Springer

Therapy and yoga

This seemed to speak to many. Not really sure how this all came about but it’s really cool. I want to hear more from each of you .

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Lisa Springer Lisa Springer

What I learned about breathwork the hard way. …

I did everything in fast motion. Chasing each chance to be enough , heal enough, and even breathe enough. The practice is so powerful and requires the right support. In the middle of a divorce, finding my biological family and working as a nurse during Covid , my home was entering the world of breath without the support of family. The overachiever in me would not listen to what my body said and I learned the hard way. It’s a valuable lesson and why I teach the way I do.

With that, we learn the innate wisdom of the nervous system and in your own timing. The lesson taught me not to doubt when my body said no. Pre verbal trauma and deep loving compassion is delicate and this space is nuturing. You deserve deep nourishment.

So if you think you are not where you should be , that isn’t true. This space is learning to come back home without shame . It’s unfamiliar to most and really is a freeing time of returning to who we are. Not too fast or too slow.

Perfect divine timing of the breath. Glad you are here . You are worthy.

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Lisa Springer Lisa Springer

Some little tips for Pain!!!

I have never noticed as much tension in people’s bodies as I do now. That is normal! Your body protected you ! Exhale ! It may even be hard to get a breath in. There is a short video with some tips. Our body needs oxygen to release the tension. So instead of trying harder hug yourself like a mother would hug you or carve out five minutes to even thank yourself for being here right now. You matter. Simply because you exist. How is your breath ? The quality?your breath loves you and is speaking to you. It’s more important than anything ! We cannot live without it. It’s the ease and it’s the heart space. Please write comments . It’s so interesting to hear and learn from one another and belong. A place to remember to breathe. If you need playlists or anything . This is our safe space. I am grateful for your presence.

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Lisa Springer Lisa Springer

Space for you to be you. Welcome. Feel free to add comments or we can create a space on fb or whatever works. This space is for transformation and less suffering in our lives. Does that sound good?

Trauma informed space this Wed 4-5 pm

I want to add I will be doing recordings. Those are true trauma informed offerings . Come home to your body.

How do we do that? Somatics is exploring the internal body and integrating space and safety back in. Wed at MindTreeHolisic 4-5 pm

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Lisa Springer Lisa Springer

What is neurodivergent?

Neuro is the nervous system and divergent is a term that explains anything other than the “norm” . How normal has life really been in the last few years? Your nervous system works on its own to save your life.

This space is to bring back peace and stability to the nervous system. It cannot be by force or shame. That is how trauma informed yoga became such an important part of my yoga. Yoga means unity and that we all belong.

This is what is new and what is accessible and inclusive. It will help anxiety and restore balance. Balance is health. It’s called homeostasis. All of these things are nursing terms but what I have found wasn’t congruent in the nursing world. So caregivers and anyone who doesn’t feel “normal”. It’s okay. You are enough. Really. Exactly as you are.

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Lisa Springer Lisa Springer

Space for You .

Thank you for showing up and investing in a membership. This is a community to learn compassionate self care and cultivate support from others. The first week intention is Ahimsa or kindness. . Thank yourself for even showing up. .That is so kind and not easy. . Jot down three things of gratitude and tomorrow we can set an intention.

So grateful you are here. .There is a night time video if needed

Love Lisa

Hi welcome to a tribe where you can belong. What I mean is this is a place to breathe and be who you are.

This will be a place to remember how important this carved out time is. I will keep this open. I love your input because in a tribe we all matter. It’s about the health and unity of all of us. That is yoga.

So with that first of all thank you for being here and choosing a membership. The blog part is free but just a little of what I have learned teaching and being a nurse. Each week more videos will come out and I love to hear what you need. there will be a monthly zoom on Thursdays at 6pm and with membership privates are 50 percent off .

Excited to get this trauma informed space going ! I am so grateful for you

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